Saturday, March 12, 2011

Best Knee Joint Treatment Without Surgery

Stelline sugar

"Look at the stars at night. It is too small because you can show me where is my star. It is better that way. My star will be one of the stars for you. Then, all the stars, you look like ... All will be your friends. And then you want to make a present ... "He laughed again
"Ah! Little man, my little man, I feel like this rice! "
" And this is just my gift ... will be like water ... "
" What What do you mean? "
" People have stars that are not the same. For some, those who travel, the stars are guides. For others are but tiny lights. For others, who are scholars, are problems. For my businessman they were gold. But all these stars are silent. You, you'll have the stars as no one has ... "
" What do you mean? "
" When you look at the sky at night, because I will dwell in them, because I laugh at one of them, then it will be for you as if all the stars were laughing. Thou shalt, thou alone, of the stars that can laugh! "
And he laughed again.
"And when you've consulate (there is always comforting), you will glad to have known me. You'll always be my friend. You'll want to laugh with me. And sometimes you open the window, just for the pleasure ... And your friends will be amazed to see you laugh watching the sky. Then you say: "Yes, the stars always make me laugh!" And believe you crazy. T'avrò made a bad joke ... "And he laughed again
"It's like if you had thee up, instead of the stars of little bells that can laugh ..."

[Antoine de Saint-Exupery - The Little Prince]

The Little Prince is the work best known of Antoine de Saint-Exupery, is a story that very poetic, in the form of a literary work for children, covers issues like the meaning of life and the meaning of love and friendship.
The first time I read this book I was 17 and I immediately fell in love, I must say that every time I read it again gladly.
Released in 1943, is among the most famous literary works of the twentieth century and one of the best selling in history.

180 g of butter
200 g sugar 1 egg
300 g of flour
a small vial of vanilla extract

Preparation :
Work the butter with sugar until it forms a cream, add vanilla extract, egg and flour. Form a loaf and let stand in refrigerator for one hour.
Roll out the dough and, with a mold, to obtain so many stars, place them on a baking sheet covered with baking paper. Before baking, sprinkle the surface of stars with a little 'sugar. Bake at 150 degrees, convection oven, for about 8 minutes, until cookies begin to color around the edges.
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