Saturday, March 19, 2011

Bridgehampton Rentals Prom

There is a ladybug walking on the window

I can not deny being sad and worried about what's happening in the world. But I think I understand the turn that is taking this blog: it is an inventory of the fragrance of my happy moments. So no, I will not go, I think we both said too much, any comment would be useless. Friends who are there know that I think of them as well as do those who unfortunately can not go there.

I look out the window seems to have arrived in the spring. We hope that this time it is again a fake. I prepare to spring for a new city to pursue the delicate colors of the flowers on the trees, the ones that look every year.

Today is the feast dad and I made the salad to eat strawberries with whipped cream, strawberries are the first of the year.

I have strange memories linked to strawberries, memories that seem distant and po'sbiaditi, light, naive. Beautiful things short, fresh and tastes good.

I wanted to publish a beautiful poem by Neruda I do not think I will, maybe in the future there will be a more appropriate time than this. So I leave you this way, always looking out my window.

Friday, March 18, 2011

Find Out How Many Calories In School Lunch

And risotto rice: Risotto with kiwi

rice and risotto
kiwi risotto

Ingredients for 4:
  • 400 g Rice
  • 4
  • kiwi 1 small onion
  • a nut and a half
  • 1 liter of 40 g of butter oil
After trying the risotto with strawberries I could not resist the temptation of another and here is the fruit risotto rice with kiwi!
Very good, slightly tart the compelling enough to make it ^ _ ^

First finely chop an onion and brown it in a little olive oil and 40 g of butter.

Add rice and toast it for a few minutes.

Boil 1 liter of water and melt within the die.

Cut kiwi into small pieces.

Pour a bit 'of water at a time in the risotto along with a third of the kiwi. Allow to absorb the water and then add it little by little until the rice reaches the kitchen.
When cooking it is almost time, add another third of the kiwi, so that will not melt completely and remains a brighter color.

Serve piping hot on plates and top with remaining kiwi and enjoy!

Nightster Custom Plate

Borders: Radicchio pan

chicory in a pan

  • 1 radicchio (or chioggia)
  • 1 onion 1
  • nut oil
Outline fast!

Cut an onion into slices. Fry in a pan with oil.

Add the radicchio, cut into thin slices and dice.

allowed to dry the salad and serve hot!


Seconds: Stew Chinese

Stew Chinese

  • 600 g bocconcini pork (to stew)
  • fresh ginger soy sauce, cornstarch
  • vinegar oil salt
  • a Chinese cabbage (if you can not find the cabbage is fine)
  • 200 g of sprouts beans (canned)
Degrease the stew of pork and cut into smaller pieces.

Place the pork marinated with soy sauce, vinegar, cornstarch and ginger slices. Must rest for at least half an hour.

marinating the meat is typical of Chinese cooking and makes meat (whatever) very tender.

Meanwhile, Chinese cabbage and cut into small pieces.

Put in a pot to cook with a little olive oil along with soybeans. Bake little, only time to soften slightly.

n a frying pan, heat oil and put the pieces to brown a little at a time.

Have to form a crust over the surface.

Then cook all the pieces together for 15-20 minutes, until the meat is well done also at the center.

Place cabbage and sprouts in a pan and then lay the meat in the center.

Serve hot.

Mercedes Benz Song 2010

To Japan with love

participant the day of silence in support of the Japanese people ...

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

2009 Triad Binding Sale

Seconds: Middle Eastern meatballs with paprika or

meatballs paprika or Middle Eastern

  • 600 g of meat
  • minced 1 egg 3 tablespoons Parmesan
  • salt 3 teaspoons ground red pepper (or more according to taste)
  • parsley 1 teaspoon chives, bread crumbs
  • soy sauce
  • past tomato onion
  • extra virgin olive oil in a mixer
pour the ground meat, egg, Parmesan cheese, salt, chives, paprika and plenty of parsley. Chop everything well until he has a nice soft texture.

Form small balls of dough (what I did is about 2 cm in diameter) and roll in bread crumbs.

Warm in a pan a little olive oil. Pour the meatballs and cook them well. Towards the end of cooking, add two tablespoons of soy sauce. and cook another few minutes.

Meanwhile prepare the sauce very quickly with chopped onion browned in oil Ages to add 300 ml of tomato puree. Cook for ten minutes.

Place the meatballs in the sauce and cook for another ten minutes.

To serve I thought I'd put three balls at a time into a toothpick, place in a bowl covered with their juice and plenty of parsley.

Very nice to look at and delicious to eat with a nice note hot and spicy Middle Eastern tone! ^ _ ^

Bike Bike Party Plates

First: Gnocchi with cream cheese

dumplings with cream cheese

  • 400 g gnocchi sardi (malloreddus)
  • 150 ml of cream
  • 40 g Emmental
  • 40 g fontina
  • 40 g grated parmesan
  • salt pepper to taste milk
In a pan pour the cream and heat it.
Grate grater with small holes in the Emmental and fontina.
Combine grated cheeses 3 cream with salt, pepper and milk as needed to achieve a creamy smooth texture.
cheeses will melt to perfection and the cream is very tasty.

Boil the gnocchi sardi and when ready serve with cream. Mix well and serve hot!

Pregnancy Test Negative Day Before Period Due?

Sweets: Tart with strawberry jam

tart with strawberry jam

  • 200 g flour 30 g cornstarch 50 g
  • white sugar 50 g brown sugar 80 g butter
  • 2 tablespoons extra virgin olive oil olive oil 1 egg
  • 1 teaspoon baking powder
  • strawberry jam
First, soften the butter and mix with egg and sugar.
Combine flour, cornstarch, baking powder and oil and mix. Here is a ready pastry flavorful and a little 'spice by sugar cane. Form a ball and let stand half an hour in the refrigerator.

Roll out the pastry on a baking tray (I used a rectangular not too big but that's fine round.

Cover with the strawberry jam and place the thin strips grid.

Bake for 30 minutes at 170 degrees.

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

What Are Some Good Darts Games

Cross stitch your wall!!

to try the fantastic effect of a wall decorated a. .. cross stitch

via heathersthompson


Monday, March 14, 2011

Tom Delonge Jacket American Flag

Desserts: Ricotta and Pear Cake

Cake cottage cheese and pears

The 12 was the birthday of my father and mother we decided to make him a super cake, ricotta and pear cake, a delicious filling made up of cream, cottage cheese and pears, hazelnuts into two discs .. all covered with powdered sugar ... A lust!

discs Hazelnut Ingredients:
  • 120 g of shelled hazelnuts 4 eggs
  • 60 g flour 150 g sugar 30 g butter
Ingredients for the topping:
  • 3 pears (about 300 g) sugar cane
  • lemon (clove)
  • 400 ml of whipping cream
  • already sweetened ricotta
  • 200/250 g sugar dusting icing
First prepare the base and cover.

chop the hazelnuts in a food processor finely.

Place 3 egg whites until stiff.
Mix 4 egg yolks and 1 egg white with sugar until it reaches a foamy consistency.
Combine melted butter, chopped nuts and flour.
Mix well and then incorporate the egg whites, stirring from bottom up.

Divide the dough in two. I've cooked in the same pan round silicone I always ensure a perfect cooking and prevents the dough from sticking ^ _ ^
Lightly oil the pan, put half of the dough and bake (in a preheated oven) for 10 minutes at 180 degrees. is well-colored surface.

Remove the first record from the pan and cook the second.
Once you are ready to put aside.

To prepare the filling:

should first clean the pears, cut into very small pieces and cook them until they become soft, beautiful in a saucepan with sugar cane, a glass of water and a slice of lemon juice.
good will of pears in syrup, also good to eat it ^ _ ^

Then whip the cream cheese and mix well.

Add the ricotta cream and then the pears.

Arrange the filling on the base model with the help of a spoon and a spatula so it takes good shape.

Overlap the second disk and dust with icing sugar.

Leave in the refrigerator!

And if you really do not look to serve the calorie slice of cake with chocolate sauce (for those who are prepared fresh in the department of the supermarket)!

Really ENJOY!