Sunday, February 27, 2011

Oakley Razor Blades Buy

Macarons Chocolate Tarte Tatin Baked apples

The tarte Tatin is a very famous sweet French pastry, this is a cake baked on the contrary, the apples are placed on the bottom of the cake and are covered with pastry crust.
"Legend has it that one of the sisters Tatin, which operates a hotel, he forgot to put the paste under an apple pie, so let caramelize apples in butter and sugar. For correct the mistake one of the two sisters placed over the pastry crust of the compound. Thus was born the tarte Tatin. "
The first time I tasted this cake was during a holiday in France and I immediately fell in love, is my favorite dessert is apple pie, but I find very exciting.

Ingredients: (serves 6-8)
for pasta crust
150 g of flour
75 g of butter
3-4 tablespoons of water
for the filling
6 apples
125 g of sugar

Prepare the dough: combine flour, butter and 3 or 4 tablespoons of cold water, work the ingredients until a smooth paste, form a loaf and let stand in refrigerator for one hour.
Take a cake tin (24-25 cm), butter the bottom with plenty of butter and sprinkle of the sugar, place the apples, peeled and cut into quarters, with the outside toward the back, sprinkle apples with more sugar. Then place a second layer of apples and sweeten them too.
Go Lightly pan on the fire, so as to lightly caramelize the apples (do not make them burn though!). Roll out the dough with a rolling pin, cover the apples trying to put the dough inside, along the edges of the cake.
C uocere in oven at 190 degrees for 30 minutes.
Once ready, immediately unmold the cake, if not the apples stick to the pan.
Serve the cake warm with whipped cream together.

Note: Do not use a cake pan hinge otherwise, during cooking, from the bottom out around the sughino apples.

with this recipe I participate in. ..


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