Monday, February 7, 2011

Cascade Dishwasher Gel Or Powder

memories and vintage jewelry

thirty I took my first exam. This thing seems to have made my family very happy more than me. Especially my grandfather, the first fan of my education.

Yesterday I went to see my father-axis. For the first time this year you could stay outdoors without a jacket and see the snow on the mountains as the sun caresses your face would be enough to make me happy. But my grandfather wanted to reward myself: I said what I wanted to choose between the things of my grandmother.

Now I will not go to tell her, also because practically I have never known. I only know that it was a strong and courageous woman and I'd like to look like her one day.

I bought this bracelet a po'vintage, flashy and of little value.

The vintage is another of my passions, although I have some of the physical pin-up and allow myself some whim of dress during the summer only. I guess it will be a topic that often comes out in a future post.
However, I like to think that this bracelet rather than a vintage trinket, is a way to remember her, my grandmother.

And I do not care if the end came out the same post stappalacrime, for once not talking about flowers!


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