Saturday, February 26, 2011

Black And White Fiftieth Invites

There are times when you just need a bit of heat, the sun on your face, to sit on a wall with your eyes closed under the eyelids and see that beautiful orange color that smells of spring.

Sometimes I feel that my biggest problem is having always cold. Maybe if I could warm up I would never sad.

But spring does not arrive and I'm here to write with frozen hands and wait until the kettle whistles. Listening to beautiful music and beautiful colors I try to watch for long without getting tired, I look beautiful colors of beautiful clothes, beautiful hair, beautiful flowers and trees of wonderful dimples on the cheeks of beautiful girls that look a bit ', there are .

And I feel like crying, not for the colors, the trees or on the cheeks, but for music. It has the flavor of going too fast ride, a carousel of others time with the horses beige and gold trim.

Back to the photos of flowers, because yes, because we want your flowers in these cases. This I took last summer in the mountains, after a storm. It was cold and I bathed all the shoes, but I do not think there is something in the world more beautiful hydrangea after the rain.


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