Sunday, February 20, 2011

5 Months With Chlamydia

First: Gnocchi alla Sorrentina

Gnocchi alla Sorrentina

Ingredients for 3 people:
  • 350 g of red potatoes
  • 350 g flour (+ one for dusting) 1 egg
  • nutmeg
salt For the dressing:
  • 600 g of tomato sauce 1 small onion
  • salt
  • 1 mozzarella
  • parmesan parsley oil

Prepare the sauce by frying an onion, finely chopped, to which one must add the tomato sauce and a bit 'of salt. Bake for 15 minutes, stirring occasionally.

Boil the potatoes in a pressure cooker for ten minutes since he began to whistle.
Check the potatoes are soft, peel and pass masher with small holes.

Place the flour, add the egg and the potatoes and begin to mix everything.
Add salt and nutmeg. Continue to work to form a soft ball and smooth.
If it is too soft add more flour.

Take some dough and form cylinders and then cut the gnocchi all the same size.

Arrange the gnocchi on a floured greaseproof paper and turn them over on themselves to form a Conchetta inside.

Boil salted water and add the dumplings. Cook two minutes, the time to rise to the surface.

In a pan put a tablespoon of salsa.

Then add the gnocchi, another sauce and stir so that they are well seasoned.

Add the diced mozzarella, parsley and Parmesan cheese. Go under the grill for 5 minutes and they are ready.

dusting Serve with more Parmesan cheese.


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