Wednesday, February 9, 2011

How To Uninstall Rogers Yahoo Online Protection


I loved these cookies, they are light (not even contain an ounce of butter) but very tasty, I recommend you try it also because they are prepared in a moment and, indeed, end up in a moment ...

Ingredients: (serves approximately 50 pieces)
125 g of flour
125 g sugar 2 eggs
granulated sugar

Working long the eggs with sugar, preferably with electric whips, so swollen and mixture is foamy, slowly add flour. Line a baking tray with parchment paper, with the help of a spoon (even better with a pastry bag), remove the dough and roll into long narrow strips about 8 cm apart from each other.
Cover with the granulated sugar and bake in a convection oven at 160 degrees for 5-10 minutes, until cookies are lightly browned. Allow to cool before removing cookies.


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