Saturday, February 19, 2011

Big Booty Blonde Club

Linzer Torte Lemon Tart

The Austrian Linzer Torte is a tart, the name derives from Linz, the city of origin of this delicious dessert.
The recipe I followed to prepare the famous version is by Christophe Felder.
Linzer Torte The dough is much softer and less brittle than a normal pie, but it certainly is the flavor that makes it unique, the presence of almonds, combined to afore cocoa and cinnamon make it a very particular sweet, sure to taste!

Ingredients: (serves 6-8)
250 g of flour
125 g of butter
125 g of sugar
2 eggs
65 g chopped almonds
10 g cocoa
1 lemon
½ tablespoon baking
1 pinch cinnamon
a pinch of salt
200 g raspberry jam (I used 300 g)

the butter and sugar, add one egg at a time, peel grated lemon and ground almonds are not too finely. Combine the flour gradually with the cocoa, baking powder and cinnamon, and finally a pinch of salt. Mix all ingredients well, form a loaf and let stand in refrigerator for 2 hours. Spread two-thirds of the dough in a pan (28 cm) buttered and floured, puncture the bottom and fill with raspberry jam, with the remaining dough form of strips and cover the tart. Bake at 180 degrees for about 20 minutes.

Note: The cake batter is very soft, when you help spread the cake with more flour.


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