Sunday, January 23, 2011

Brown With Drastic Blonde Highlights


Today I took a day off from studying.
After being forced into an early rising yesterday morning to go to Turin to support the second of the three parts examination of Italian literature, and looking forward to studying the neutral third party to be held next week, today I decided to relax. And I wanted to take the opportunity to order something from a lot of three for contact juggling acrylic balls.

What is contact juggling? And 'something in between juggling and mime, but it seems almost magical. The true masters seem to float in the air like a ball of soap bubbles.
It 's been over a year since I found out, being enchanted in front of a juggler to proud of my country, and since I bought my orange stage (yes, that sort of shiny orange that it's over between mandarins ). Now wait patiently for the arrival of my soap bubbles.

And in the meantime today, just to try, I ended up I, like many novice juggler to drop everywhere and mandarin oranges. To the great delight of my father, who looks at me bewildered.

In case you're asks you (I speak in the plural because the day of rest gave me a burst of optimism), this will not be a blog about juggling. Unfortunately, because I'm a po'scarsa.


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