Friday, January 28, 2011

How To Repaint A Travel Trailer


are also blooming white hyacinths. Although there is no more sun.

This gray sky makes me melancholy. I was hoping that in an early Spring ... But I'm back here to study next to the stove, with an overpowering sleep I close my eyes and the physical need to go out for a walk with someone, no matter who, and feel the warm sun on her cheeks.

Monday I will be in Turin, hoping to find the much-awaited apartment that finally snatch me from the clutches of ruthless Trenitalia train constantly late and coaches without heating. Maybe this time will be that good, maybe I'll finally changing the spring to get everything.
E 'since last summer and I repeat that, once in Turin, my life would change radically. Now I just have the courage to make the jump.

I'm still thinking I want to turn this blog, because it is obvious that nobody cares when my hyacinths bloom or if I see a ladybug walking on the window. Unfortunately I'm afraid I do not have much to tell ...

Thursday, January 27, 2011

Gloryhole Locations In Ca

Baci di dama

was a long time I wanted to try them and I finally decided here is my first attempt with the kisses of checkers.
As you know, there are two kinds of lady's kisses, almond and hazelnut, the originals are with the almonds and, since they are my favorites, I chose to prepare the case. I thought they were a little 'easier to realize, I admit I'm not at all easy! The difficulty is not in the dough, it consists in giving shape to the cookie, having to assemble the two halves to form a kiss, half the number must be all the same ... a nice job!
However kisses are very good, I do not want to discourage anyone, armed only with patience!

Ingredients: (serves 27 pieces)
100 g of almonds (or almond flour)
100 g flour
100 g of sugar
100 g of butter
100 g of dark chocolate

chop the almonds in a blender until you get a meal. Working quickly all the ingredients form a dough and let rest in refrigerator for at least an hour (meglio2). Take up the dough and, with the help of hands, forming many small balls (about 1.5 cm), place the balls of dough in the refrigerator for 30 minutes.
After the half hour, line a baking tray with baking paper and place the balls of dough leaving a bit 'spaced out (please, do not mash). Bake at 160 degrees convection oven for 15 minutes, until cookies begin to brown slightly.
Cool the biscuits before removing from the pan, when hot is very brittle and tend to crack when touched.
Meanwhile, melt the chocolate in a double boiler, let cool and thicken, then take a biscuit, chocolate and stuff it with an overlay to this other half.

Cranberry thank the blog cappuccino & croissant for making me the gift of this award:

Indiana Law Return Used Car In 3 Days

we find for you

  1. Federicaknits
  2. MadamaRobe
  3. Valeriatelier
  4. Kosmika

if you want see more mosaics with the creations dell'Etsyitaliateam go here Share

Monday, January 24, 2011

Is There Any Straight Shota Movies

Coccinelle and sky blue and tangerine

Last fall has passed without my noticing, so I was taken from having started college, the commute and everything else. And probably now the winter is making me pay for giving me the impression of not having to go on forever more, wrap a blanket of melancholy, sadness and, ultimately, even insomnia.

Until a few years ago I loved the winter: I think it's normal when you're young, you need a break, to stop everything for a while ', to freeze a bad situation and cover them with snow.
Only a couple of years I started to wait for the spring as something necessary, inevitable, invigorating. I began to love the flowers, in fact, to be a po'ossessionata, much to know by heart the order in which all the trees will bloom the most beautiful of my city and beyond. And often, when they are slightly down, get down in the garden and pick one, one only, to put on my desk.

This morning I woke early from an almost sleepless night, in a foul mood. And, looking out the window I saw two little ladybugs walking on glass.
I know it's still January, but I thought it was a sign that spring is really coming.

Sunday, January 23, 2011

Brown With Drastic Blonde Highlights


Today I took a day off from studying.
After being forced into an early rising yesterday morning to go to Turin to support the second of the three parts examination of Italian literature, and looking forward to studying the neutral third party to be held next week, today I decided to relax. And I wanted to take the opportunity to order something from a lot of three for contact juggling acrylic balls.

What is contact juggling? And 'something in between juggling and mime, but it seems almost magical. The true masters seem to float in the air like a ball of soap bubbles.
It 's been over a year since I found out, being enchanted in front of a juggler to proud of my country, and since I bought my orange stage (yes, that sort of shiny orange that it's over between mandarins ). Now wait patiently for the arrival of my soap bubbles.

And in the meantime today, just to try, I ended up I, like many novice juggler to drop everywhere and mandarin oranges. To the great delight of my father, who looks at me bewildered.

In case you're asks you (I speak in the plural because the day of rest gave me a burst of optimism), this will not be a blog about juggling. Unfortunately, because I'm a po'scarsa.

Squash Ball Colour Dots

Cake hazelnuts

Yesterday I prepared this hazelnut cake, very good and gentle.
The recipe comes from an episode of cooked and eaten, and like all those submitted by Benedetta Parodi, it is very easy and fast.

Ingredients: (serves 6-8)
200 g of hazelnuts
2 eggs
200 g of sugar
200 g of butter
200 g of flour
1 teaspoon baking
50 g of milk
a pinch of salt

T prevent, in the oven to 180 degrees, the nuts for a few minutes, once cooled chop in a food processor. Beat eggs with sugar until mixture is light and fluffy. Add the melted butter and a pinch of salt, then add the flour, chopped nuts and a teaspoon of yeast. To make the mixture softer at the end add the milk. Pour the batter into a cake pan (24 cm) covered with parchment paper, c uocere at 160-170 degrees for 30-40 minutes. Decorate with icing sugar.

Note: Board chop the nuts with half the sugar, the result is much better.

Thursday, January 20, 2011

Church Wedding Decorations

First hyacinths

I like the idea of \u200b\u200bopening my blog with some flowers, even if it is still spring.
When I bought my bulbs of hyacinths was in November. Now there's perfume in the house in March, despite the fog off the calendar and trying to contradict me.

do not know what will turn this blog. I have asked him not to know how many days reflecting on what is most definitely worthwhile to write. I can not say that this blog will be exclusively reserved for something, I have too many passions and are probably not good enough to dedicate myself to one in particular. So we'll see. For now, I greet you

Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Stila Stick Glaze Swatches

Mini croissant with raspberry jam

For a special breakfast, maybe this Sunday, here is a fast and easy recipe to prepare small croissant. They are so simple that the only advice I can give is to seal the dough around the filling of jam otherwise escaping during cooking. Of course, the croissants you can fill your liking ...

Ingredients: (serves 8 croissant)
a roll of dough circle of pastry ready
1 jar of raspberry jam
1 egg
granulated sugar

Cut the pastry into eight segments. Arrange the outermost part of each segment (as opposed to the tip for instance) two teaspoons of jam. Always starting from the outside, roll the pasta dough over itself until it is shaped like a croissant. During this operation to try to seal the dough in the vicinity of the jam to prevent escape during cooking. Place the croissants on a baking sheet lined with parchment paper, brush the top with beaten egg and coat with granulated sugar. Bake at 180 degrees for about 15 minutes, until the croissants are beautiful golden brown.

with this recipe I participate in. ..

Sunday, January 16, 2011

Look At Me And Masterbate

cake caprese is a typical Neapolitan cake, from the island Capri, a delicacy made of chocolate and almonds. It contains no flour is a cake suitable for coeliacs.
The recipe comes from the encyclopaedia of the Italian kitchen.

Ingredients: (serves 6-8)
300 g of almonds
200 g of dark chocolate
170 g butter
170 g sugar 4 eggs

Place the almonds on a baking sheet covered with parchment paper, lightly toast in the oven to 180 degrees. Once cool chop into the mixer with 100 g of sugar.
Put chocolate in a saucepan and melt in double boiler.
Working long the butter with the remaining sugar (70 g) until creamy. Add egg yolks, one at a time and the ground almonds and sugar, stir, add the melted chocolate and mix well. Whisk the egg whites gently and combine them into the mixture from the bottom up.
Line a baking pan (24 cm) with parchment paper and bake at 180 degrees for 30 minutes. Let the cake cool completely before throw and decorate it with icing sugar.

Note: For the complete success of sweet butter must be very soft, remove from refrigerator 2 hours before use.

Thursday, January 13, 2011

Brazilian Waxing Game

Torta Caprese Porto

The basis of this preparation, as well as pears, are using the port, a wine Portuguese dessert made with grapes from the north of Portugal. These pears are a must try, really great! The advice to those who, like me, loves little alcohol, because the flavor is very sweet and it feels a little alcohol.

Ingredients: (serves 2)
2 pears
50 g of sugar
300 g of red Port
1 stick of cinnamon

Thoroughly wash the pears, cut in half and remove the core. Place pears in a saucepan with the cinnamon and a bit 'of nutmeg. Dissolve sugar in cold and pour over the pears. Put the saucepan on the stove and cook until the caramel is Porto (since boiling about 30 minutes). Remove pears from pan and cut in a fan, place on serving platter and accompany with the sauce and a dollop of whipped cream.
Serve pears warm.

Monday, January 10, 2011

Luna Lovegood Lion Head Buy

Apples Pears Baked Doughnut

Lately I really enjoy preparing the fruit in a more elaborate way, not really just for fun, we also need to, with the holidays just passed it is better to get a bit 'in line, and not exaggerate too much with the desserts!
Wanting to start the new year with good intentions, I suggest that these really tasty baked apples that are not totally regret the lack of a good slice of cake.

Ingredients: (serves 4)
4 golden apples or rennet
120 g of raisins
160 g of sugar
100 g rum
300 g of sweet white wine

Soak raisins in rum diluted with hot water. Peel the apples until at half height and cored with a special dig. Fill apples with a knob of butter and raisins. Place the apples in a small pan, sprinkle lightly with sugar and cinnamon and drizzle with white wine, cover with aluminum foil and bake at 180 degrees for 30 minutes.
Serve the apples warm.

Thursday, January 6, 2011

Drivers License Card Thickness

we find for you

  1. Flower Jewellery
  2. OnYourHead
  3. Signoraluna
  4. Call me mimi
Happy New Year and Happy Epiphany with the creations dell'Etsy Team Italy!
here are other mosaics!


Sunday, January 2, 2011

What Is The Switch On My Camcorder Battery For?

ricotta with chocolate chips

This donut is what you need after you eat the Christmas period, is very lightweight, contains no butter and oil in their place are used cottage cheese and yogurt. It 's a slight temptation in this morning's holiday where I can finally enjoy breakfast calmly and not run like any other day.
Once again I thank Robert for the recipe, this cake is a favorite of her children, I can only agree with him!

Ingredients: (serves 6-8)
250 g ricotta
a jar of natural yoghurt
300 g flour
200 g
sugar 1 tablespoon baking
1 egg
125 g chocolate chips

Work all the ingredients and mix them with the help of a whip. Pour the batter into a greased and floured cake mold. Bake at 180 degrees for 30 minutes.

with this recipe I participate in. ..