Sunday, December 5, 2010

What Are Orange Stains In Shower Tile


This sweet, unpronounceable name, is a typical Austrian dessert of the holiday season and is a sort of cross between a croissant and a pandoro. Generally the preparation is quite complex but the recipe that I propose, is the silver spoon, it is much easier and faster than others.
This cake is a good alternative to the traditional panettone and Pandora, much more complex and time consuming to do at home.

Ingredients: (serves 6-8)
300 g of flour (I used the Manitoba)
80 g of butter 4 eggs
80 g of sugar
100 g of raisins
a glass of milk
½ cup cream
30 g of yeast
1 lemon

Use all ingredients at room temperature.
Soak the raisins in warm water. Dissolve the yeast with 3 tablespoons of warm milk, add three tablespoons of flour and baking the dough (about 45 minutes). In a bowl, work the butter until it becomes creamy, add eggs, sugar and grated lemon peel. When the yeast has doubled in volume add it to the mixture, add flour, drained raisins and cream. Working until the mixture is detached from the spatula. The Kugelhupf dough should be soft and supple. If it is too stiff, add a little 'warm milk. Put the dough in a high mold Kugelhupf greased and floured, fill it halfway. Let the dough rise until it reaches two fingers from the edge. Bake at 170 degrees for about 40 minutes.
Serve the cake cold dusted with icing sugar.

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